Han Hai LS

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Learn the Chinese Names of Common Food Items!

When travelling to China

it is important to have a basic understanding of the language and culture. This includes being familiar with the Chinese names for common food items. Knowing the names of these items can help you better communicate with locals, as well as make more informed dining choices.

Let’s start with a few of the most important common food items and their names in Chinese.

1. 榴莲(liú lián, durian)

The King of Fruits, the durian, is known as 榴莲(liúlián) in Chinese. It is also a very popular fruit in Singapore! Although the smell is strong, its creamy texture and sweet flavour are what make people crave it.

2. 米饭(mǐ fàn, cooked rice)

Rice is the staple food of Chinese cuisine and goes by the name 米饭(mǐfàn). Note that 米(mǐ) when used alone refers to uncooked rice. When combined with 饭(fàn), it then means cooked rice.

3. 小笼包(xiǎo lóng bāo, Xiao Long Bao)

The popular Chinese dish Xiao Long Bao, which is steamed buns filled with soup and pork, is called 小笼包(xiǎo lóng bāo).

4. 饺子(jiǎo zi, Dumplings)

Dumplings, or 饺子(jiǎo zi), are a popular lunch meal and are usually served boiled, steamed, or fried. The fillings can be made of pork, beef, chicken or vegetable.

5. 粥(zhōu, Congee)

A breakfast favourite is congee, otherwise known as zhōu (粥). There are mainly two types of flavours, sweet or salty, depending on personal preference.

6. 面条(miàn tiáo, noodles)

Noodles feature in almost every region in China and can be served as part of a warm soup, 汤面(tānɡ miàn) or as stir-fried, 炒面(chǎo miàn).

7. 北京烤鸭(běi jīng kaō yā, Peking Roast Duck)

Perhaps one of the most famous Chinese dishes is Peking Roast Duck, called 北京烤鸭(běi jīng kaō yā) in Chinese.

8. 茶(chá, tea)

Finally, one of the most popular beverages in China is tea, the popular ones include 绿茶(lǜchá, green tea) as well as 红茶(hónɡchá, red tea).

Now that you have a better understanding of the Chinese names for common food items, you’ll be better prepared for your trip to China. Bon appétit! If you are interested in learning Chinese with Hanhai Language Studio, be it online or in-person, do drop us a DM or email to indicate your learning needs. A free trial will be conducted before starting the course! Have fun learning!