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How to Improve on Speaking Chinese?

#102 How to improve on speaking Chinese?


1. Watch Chinese Shows

This tip is valid for any language actually. Watching shows and movies with subtitles allows you to get used to the pronunciation and meaning of the characters through time. The longer you watch, the better you get. Sometimes you even surprise yourself by knowing words your teachers have not taught you!

P.S. Singapore Chinese movies by local actor and director, Jack Neo are often recommended. (In case you don’t know who he is, check this out: 



2. Listen to Chinese Songs

Too little time or dramas are not your thing? Listen to some popular music instead, it works the same way as the tip above, and also improves your mood. Perfect for when you are feeling under the weather (: Some popular Chinese acts include Jay Chou, Jane Zhang, A-mei and Zhang Xue You. (听海 by A-mei: 



3.  Find Chances to Speak Chinese

If you are already taking courses with Han Hai, perfecto, it is already a chance because the teachers would be doing many conversations in class. Other than that, speak to your coworkers and friends in Chinese, they might even throw in a few new words! Heck, even speaking to strangers is a good idea if you’re feeling more adventurous.

4. Indulge in the Chinese language

Try to listen to some Chinese at least once a day, be it a song or a conversation with coworkers.  Love the language and make weekly/monthly goals. Doesn’t matter if they are big or small, and when you achieve them, that sense of satisfaction will motivate you even stronger on your path of learning Chinese.

For example, one small goal could be to revise Chinese on the weekends for 2 hours.

 5. Most importantly, don’t be shy!

Its daunting to speak a new language and strive to pronounce every word perfectly, but you don’t have to be so hard on yourself. Speak with confidence and be humble to ask people to correct you if there are mistakes. Most of them would happily agree with a smile (:

One opportunity is to join in our monthly meet up! This is when students relax with our teachers over lunch or coffee while chatting in Chinese. Don’t worry even if you are not a Han Hai student, you are equally welcome to join us! Get to experience speaking Chinese and make some new friends (:

For the latest meet up details, head over to: http://www.hanhai-language.com.sg/meetup/